If you want to be really remote from everything, this sector will
      be great for you. From Fuchsstein hike up the hill for 15min until 
      you see the blocs below. 
      All lines established by Rene Schweizer and Raphi Bachmann in 2011. 
      Topo Sector Halfpipe by Rene Schweizer und Regula Burri.

       1 Bubitraverse 7a+
       2 Bubikopf 6c+
       3 Bubi Mantle 7a
       4 Bubi Dachplatte 7a
       Bog Walk 7b+
       1 Querschnitt 6b+
       2 Ueberzuckert 5a
       3 Toblerone 6c+
       4 Unterzuckert 6b
       5 Schoggi Platte 6a
       1 High heels 7a
       2 Low heels 5c
       3 fast heels 6b
       4 no heels 6a
       Platten High Ball 
       1 Honigschlecker 5c
       2 Aventador 7b (stand start 7a)
       3 Highlander 7a
       4 Flatlander 6b+
       5 Flachl�nder 5c
       6 Waadtl�nder 5b
       7 Gratg�nger 6a
       8 Tu piel sabe a miel 7b
       La Mariposa 
       1 El Ron Ron 6b
       2 La Cucaracha 6b
       3 La Mariposa
       4 El Gusanito 7a+ (stand start)
       5 La Lombriz 6b 
       6 Sidewinder 7c+/8a
       Halfpipe Ost
       1 Das Leben der Anderen 6a
       2 Mur de Berlin 6b
       3 Go West 6b+
       4 Termilator crimp 6c+
       Halpipe Ost low
       1 The Strecher 6b
       2 Debaser 6b
       3 Supernatural Part1 7b
       3.1 Supernatural Part2 ?
        The inverted Halfpipe 
        1 Over the river Part1 7a
        1 Over the river Part2 7b
       Halfpipe West
       1 Bikini Atoll Vibrations 7b
       2 Black Dog 6c
       Wet Crashpad 5c+
       Down to the waterline 6c+
        1 Terminator 5b+
        2 T2 6a
        3 Total Recall 5b
       Cool Runnings
       1 The long run 7a
       2 Bob 6b
       3 Sanka 7b
       4 Ice edge 6c
       5 Ice field 4b